
Thursday 15 June 2017

Why I want to be president - Young Nigerian businessman

Editor’s note: Ibrahim Abubakar Lajada has declared him ambition to run for the presidency of Nigeria in 2019 while promising to fulfil three key promises he made. 

In this article by Oye Arikanki, he outlines some of the things the young businessman wants to do for Nigeria if he is giving the opportunity to be the president in 2019.

The audacity of Courage His name is Ibrahim Abubakar Lajada. He is young, intelligent, rich, handsome, humble but ambitious. What does he want? He wants to become the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria come 2019.

And he is working very hard to actualize this dream. He is rising up to the challenges despite the critics and insinuations from low end quarters. LAJADA is not seeking to be famous or seeking political office to deep his hands in the national coffers.

God has already blessed him and he is living well in Saint Louis Missouri, United States of America with his beautiful wife and children and he is running his business empire. But it is his love with his country, a nation that has become a laughing stock among the comity of nations because of economic mismanagement.

Nigeria is a nation of paradox. A nation with human and natural resources that should be competing at the same level with developed nations yet crying for hands out from those nations. That is what Ibrahim Lajada cannot stand, that is why he is peeved, that Nigeria a nation of his birth with such enormous, unimaginable resources has its people wallowing is excruciating poverty and squalor because of bad leadership.

A young man of humble beginning who worked his way up, Ibrahim Abubakar Lajada was born on August 4, 1983 in Biu, Borno State. He attended Barki Primary school, Biu, where he obtained his first school leaving certificate in 1996 and Lajada High school, where he obtained the WASSCE Certificate, in 2002.

He then proceeded to the University of Maiduguri, where he obtained Diploma in Public Administration. His search for more knowledge took him to the United States of America, where he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in International Business, and a Master’s Degree in Political Economics, before setting up his businesses. Starting out in life, he chooses a career where he can best use his brain and the gift that God has given him.

He decided to become an entrepreneur which for him is a career that enables a person add value and create jobs. Lajada said when he becomes the president of Nigeria in 2019 he “will remove a large number of controls and regulations, which in the past had stifled the spirit of innovation and the spirit of entrepreneurship, and restructured the scope of competition in Nigeria” His vision is “to have a new Nigeria free from poverty, ignorance and disease” He dream of a future Nigeria where we will “undertake basic structural changes. Out of that would emerge a new Nigeria, free from poverty, ignorance and disease”

In pursuing this vision, Abubakar Lajada has mapped out his three point thematic agenda which he will focus his strength when he is elected in 2019. They are:

a. Improved Education System
b. Improved Economic Growth
c. Fight against Corruption Hear him is his own words

“This is what I will do when I’m President. I will do these three major things. First, I would strengthen our educational system, second, I will improve economic growth and fight corruption and lastly, I would make sure that everyone has equal and fair treatment in our society.

Our education system in Nigeria is not one in which we should be very proud of. Yes, Nigeria does have excellent schools, colleges, and learning institutions, but our standards are not set as high as other countries. For example, our country does not fund our schools adequately.

Teachers teach with not enough books, no supplies, or books that are often over 30 years old” He continues “How can we expect our children to be up to date with the world’s information if our teaching materials are not new? Often teachers in our public schools are forced to buy text books and supplies for our children with their own personal money.

Why do they do this? Because they believe in a good education for all learners. Our country “prides” itself on the quality of education a person can receive here, yet teachers are one of the countries lowest paid professionals. Some of our teachers are not well qualified.”

When you think about it, most of the early Nigeria nationalists at independence and early military leaders are young people like Abubakar Lajada. Check through the list : Awolowo was 37 years, Akintola 36, Ahmadu Bello 36, Balewa 34, Okotie-Eboh 27 n Enahoro 27, Azikwe 42, Muritala Mohammed 28, T. Danjuma 28, I. Babangida 25, and M. Yar’adua 23, Gowon 32, Ojukwu 33 Obasanjo 29, and present president Buhari was 24 when he started participating in the leadership of the Nigeria. And talking about youth taking up leadership of nations, former United Nation Secretary General call on the young of to rise to the occasion and provide leadership for their nations when he said "I call on the members of the largest youth generation in history to face the challenges and consider what you can do to solve it. To control your destiny and translate your dreams into a better future for all." Also, Bashar Bala has this today “The involvement of youth in politics leads to civic engagement. So in order to have better “young” citizenship, politics is one of the best tools, the younger generation’s fresh ideas and new leadership can help to overcome authoritarian practices. Since the youth would better understand other young people, the best way to improve this newer generation would be through politics, which is a tool used to take action for development”

Ibrahim Abubakar Lajada believes that Nigeria need to put in place a permanent solution to the unemployment time bomb. He said Nigeria’s growing unemployment is one of a major concern to many analysts and economists as the figures are staggering and there is need to focus on halting the rising tide of unemployment. The Tax system must be reformed to generate enough money to build infranstrure that will throws up growth in other components of the economy thereby creating jobs.

He also promised to develop the IT industry in Nigeria so as to cut outsourcing where Nigeria is losing billions of dollars every year when he becomes the president of Nigeria in 2019 “ The interests and talents of Nigerians in the fast developing Information technology industry should be encouraged and supported through government/private partnership sponsored programs.

It can be recalled that much of the big companies in the world today like Google, Myspace, and Facebook were startup businesses which received sponsorships from their countries to make them successful.

His parting words “I believe in Nigeria, we all believe in the greatness of Nigeria, but we must be committed and open to reasonable solutions devoid of ethnicity, religion or political association to make Nigeria successful”. Oye Arikanki is the Senior Special Adviser on Information & Strategy, The Lajada Campaign Organization.

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